
My Finest Work Yet by Andrew Bird

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My Finest Work Yet by Andrew Bird

Mountain People |
An Appetizer
The Plug

A Fine Work Indeed

Andrew Bird is a talented whistler, violinist, guitarist, singer, and songwriter (not necessarily in that order). With fifteen studio albums to his name, I am astonished that 2019 is the year that I finally found the time to become a true fan. There have been numerous well-received, memorable, and enticing opportunities to do so since the release of his first album, Music of Hair, in 1996. The reason I find myself to be one of many traveling back through his expansive catalog being, of course, the release of what is, in my opinion, his finest work yet: My Finest Work Yet.

It's not the virtuosic whistling nor the oft-praised stylistic fiddling that most impress me. Rather it is an entire album full of terrific tracks each themselves complete with varied melodies, ample wit, and light-hearted frankness. No fillers. No weak points. No glitz. A balanced, edifying work of art. Very fine indeed.

Though it isn't planned yet, don't be too surprised to find earlier pieces by Andrew Bird extolled here soon.

Thanks, Release Radar.

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