
Chutes Too Narrow by The Shins

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Chutes Too Narrow by The Shins

Suburban People |
An Appetizer
The Plug

Irreproachable Indie Music

For whatever multitude of reasons, The Shins is the quintessential indie band. James Mercer and his bandmates share melodic tunes that trace deeply poetic yet forthright thoughts. The Shins sound as though a lonesome, tale-telling guitarist set up his acoustic and played his truest sentiments with enough conviction to summon a band and producer from the melodious ether around him.

Released in 2003 and recorded in James Mercer's basement, Chutes Too Narrow is The Shins' second album. The following year, thanks to a direct plug from Natalie Portman and making it into the soundtrack of the film Garden State, The Shins began to reach a slightly wider audience.

Chutes Too Narrow has a vast emotional range, but even in its coldest, stillest moments: it quivers with energy and wisdom and life enough to shake the dust from even your placid soul.

Thanks, Stefan.

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