
Pink Moon by Nick Drake

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Pink Moon by Nick Drake

Mountain People |
An Appetizer
The Plug

A Folk Legend And Trajedy

Nick Drake was a hardly known English folk musician at the time of his early death in 1974. His three albums had been met with little success before he succumbed to misanthropy, insomnia, and depression at the age of 26. Over the following decades, the folk legend of a doomed romantic slowly emerged. Nick became a cited influence on many in the English music scene, his music began to be shared on the internet and played in dorm rooms, and his songs began to crop up in commercials and quirky movie soundtracks.

Nick Drake released his final album, Pink Moon, as instrumentally bare as can be, save for a handful of piano keys. Simply Nick. There was nothing there to distract from the talents of a precise guitarist and wistful poet nor the resignation to sweet bitterness in his sedate vocals. And it was beautiful.

So so regretfully, Nick Drake never had an inkling of the high esteem his work would come to gain, though he may have expected it. As one Rolling Stone critic stated nearly four decades ago, "The beauty of Drake's voice is its own justification. May it become familiar to us all."

Pink Moon gonna get ye all. Which will you go for? Which will you love?

Thanks, Volkswagen.

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