
You Want It Darker by Leonard Cohen

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You Want It Darker by Leonard Cohen

Mountain People |
An Appetizer
The Plug

The Glorious Gloom of Lyrical Writing

The "Godfather of Gloom" has worked as a poet, singer-songwriter, and novelist for over half a century. Before this year, all I had known was his name, the comparison between him and Dylan as monumental, prolific songwriters, and the song "Hallelujah" — you know, that song that's sweeping and powerful and sung by that one artist? That's a Leonard Cohen song.

This year I have dipped into the rich Leonard Cohen history for the first time: a history filled with the spiritual, sensual, humorous, and ruminative. In 2016 and at the age of 82, Leonard Cohen added You Want It Darker to that already rich history. A deeper, darker, older voice thoughtfully expanding on these sparse tracks.

Sad Music Monday

A year of great losses. Leonard Cohen passed away on November 10th, shortly after the release of You Want It Darker. Just as Bowie had; an absolutely monumental singer-songwriter leaving us with a beautifully aware farewell album. I think it's always important to remember, so I suggest doing so or listening for the first time to Songs of Leonard Cohen.

Songs Of Leonard Cohen | You Want It Darker

Thanks, AURORA.

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