Music and Listening

A hobgoblin discovering good music.

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Blood on the Tracks by Bob Dylan

Blood on the Tracks by Bob Dylan

Suddenly Bob Dylan.

Mountain People | 
Illinois by Sufjan Stevens

Illinois by Sufjan Stevens

Masterfully orchestrated bombasts and lulls.

Mountain People | 
I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning by Bright Eyes

I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning by Bright Eyes

Wholly and memorably potent.

Mountain People | 
Photographs & Memories by Jim Croce

Photographs & Memories by Jim Croce

Upbeat folk-rock tunes and heart-aching ballads.

Mountain People | 
Say I Am You by The Weepies

Say I Am You by The Weepies

And who wouldn't swoon?

Mountain People | 
Struggle Pretty by Penny and Sparrow

Struggle Pretty by Penny and Sparrow

Honest songwriting and soaring, acoustic arrangements.

Mountain People | 
Showing music for tag: "Singer-Songwriterclear