Music and Listening

A hobgoblin discovering good music.

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All Day Gentle Hold ! by Porches

All Day Gentle Hold ! by Porches

A course grain of sugar with enough grit to crunch your teeth on, but still so so sweet going down.

Metro People | 
SAWAYAMA by Rina Sawayama

SAWAYAMA by Rina Sawayama

Layer upon layer of soothing synths, rockin' riffs, tasteful embellishments, and Rina's electric vocalizations.

Metro People | 
Yellow and Such by Gus Dapperton

Yellow and Such by Gus Dapperton

Crisp, catchy, and cool like his fashion sense, his dance moves, and that incredible name: Gus Dapperton.

Metro People | 
Melodrama by Lorde

Melodrama by Lorde

Masterclass pounding pop.

Metro People | 
Bloom by Beach House

Bloom by Beach House

For long drives, beautiful background buzz, or sleepy vision-conjuring.

Suburban People | 
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots by The Flaming Lips

Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots by The Flaming Lips

Truly worth many a listen.

Suburban People | 
Showing music for tag: "Dream Popclear