Music and Listening

A hobgoblin discovering good music.

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Bon Iver by Bon Iver

Bon Iver by Bon Iver

Amid these beautifully vague snapshots of time, place, and emotion: Bon Iver remains.

Mountain People | 
Coloring Book by Chance the Rapper

Coloring Book by Chance the Rapper

A coloring book that is bright, diverse, melodic, and joyful.

Urban People | 
★ by David Bowie

★ by David Bowie

Bowie's final words.

Suburban People | 
To Pimp a Butterfly by Kendrick Lamar

To Pimp a Butterfly by Kendrick Lamar

Honest, fearful, and unapologetic.

Urban People | 
Random Access Memories by Daft Punk

Random Access Memories by Daft Punk

The funkiest vibes and crispest engineering.

Metro People | 
Morning Phase by Beck

Morning Phase by Beck

A mellow, folky, and thoughtful Beck.

Mountain People | 
Showing music for tag: "Grammyclear